Trout - Rainbow, Brown, Brook, Western Cutthroat & Bull

Sale price Price $75.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

This series of Trout are done in a style that is a little scientific. All are done in Arteza watercolour brush pens over top of a graphite sketch. 

Depending upon who you believe there are upwards of 14 species of trout throughout the world.

  1. Rainbow
  2. Cutthroat
  3. Golden
  4. Brown
  5. Lake Trout
  6. Brook
  7. Dolly Varden
  8. Bull
  9. Tiger Trout
  10. Splake
  11. Palomino
  12. Gila Trout
  13. Apache
  14. Marble

Eventually on this page I will have a watercolour of each one as well as plans in the future for multi-image pieces of art. Keep checking back here.

If you like what you see you can buy individual pieces or combinations of pieces - sets of 3, 4 or all 5 if you wish. If you pick a set of 3 or 4 please remember in the comments section while checking out please mention which species you want. You can also email me afterwards as well at

Note: The name of the Trout will NOT be on your artwork - this is just for ease of identifying your preferred species.

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